Department of Animal Science

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Agriculture

Novi Sad, Serbia

Chair of Animal Science

The Department of Animal Science is a leading institution in Autonomous province Vojvodina and a respectable institution on the territory of the entire Republic of Serbia. Our teaching activities focused on educational, scientific and research work are aimed at encouraging and improving livestock breeding, as one of the most important industries in our country. So far, the title of Agricultural engineer the direction of Animal Science has gained over 1200 students, 160 Master in Science degree,  100 Master's degree and 100 PhD degrees.

Animal Science Institute

Performs scientific research work, Scientific workers and Associates of the Department are involved in the realization of scientific projects, and the results of the research are verified through scientific and professional publications, congresses, symposiums and consultations in the country and abroad. 

Animal Breeding Center 

Animal breeding center is the main center for development and implementation of breeding programs in livestock in Vojvodina Province. The Center for Animal breeding has electronic databases with information on the origin, production and reproductive parameters in cattle, horse breeding, sheep, goats, beekeeping, fishing as well as pig and poultry farming.  Some of the tasks of the Center relate to the control of the implementation of the breeding program, the keeping of the main register, issuing pedigree and certificates of origin, coordinating the work of the basic and regional breeding organizations.


The Department has two laboratories:

1.      Laboratory for Quality Control of Feed and Animal Products 

2.      Laboratory for Milk Quality Control

They provides services that contain quality control of animal feed and animal products, and milk quality. The laboratory usually participates students in  scientific researches.