Basic academic studies

The Basic academic studies last for four years and during this period, students listen to compulsory and elective teaching subjects, which aim to teach them the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to become  Agricultural engineer the direction of Animal Science.

Schedule of the Study Programme 

 I - year

II – year

III – year

IV – year

Basic academic studies - on other directions

Teaching subjects held by teachers from the Department of Animal Husbandry, on other directions at the Faculty of Agriculture

Agroekologija i zaštita životne sredine


Сточарска производња 

Veterinarska medicina

Genetika životinja

Ishrana životinja

Reprodukcija i v.o. domaćih životinja


Poljoprivredna tehnika



Stočarstvo sa ishranom

Organska poljoprivreda

Ishrana životinja

Квалитет и здравствена безбедност пољопривредних производа

Oplemenjivanje životinja

Organska proizvodnja u govedarstvu

Organska proizvodnja u ovčarstvu i kozarstvu

Organska proizvodnja u svinjastvu

Organska proizvodnja u živinarstvu

Osnove organske stočarske proizvodnje

Standardi u organskoj proizvodnji i sertifikacija

Ratarstvo i provrtarstvo
